Heavy Days. Let’s fill each other’s cups.
From October 20, 2021
October is already here and like everything else these days, it's characteristics seem even more pronounced than previous years. The world around us begins to fold in and grow quieter.
But, it isn’t quite there yet. We are in a place of in between.
The same is true of our own routines. We only have to look around us to see that the change that Autumn brings is beautiful, spectacular even, and exciting.
We also have no choice. If the leaves don’t change color and fall, the trees will break. If we don’t give up the long light of summer, the leaves and ground won’t decay enough to support the growth of spring.
And so here we are, caught in a moment of change that we can’t control. A time where the change is constant and a little different every day. Where it’s hard to settle in.
This is what Shine is for. To help you deal with transitions and worry and feel steady in yourself, your interactions, and your life. Our daily work and special programs bipass your nervous systems' response with scientifically backed tools: Yoga, Meditation, Community, Routines, Diet, Breath.
We have a menu of more than 30 classes per week for you to choose from everyday. And this month we do our Fall Jumpstart and Retreat.
It’s time to help you see your beautiful light, polish it, and watch it Shine on the person next to you.