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It’s Time: Covid 19 Update


March 16, 2020

“We are being asked to hold a lot of contradictions right now- caring for each other by staying away, not panicking while being hyper vigilant, not hoarding yet being prepared. The more we can hold these complexities in an integrated way, the easier all this extremely difficult stuff can be.”- Hala Khouri, Off the Mat into The World

For me, yoga is how I hold the contradictions of living together. Yoga checks my fears, gives me courage, strength and softness. Gives me energy and calm all at the same time. It helps me to cut out the noise of the world and my own head, and pay attention to who I really am and what is really important. It also keeps me healthy. All things I need right now.

For that reason, temporarily closing the studio was one of the most fraught decisions I’ve ever had to make. All week, students have been taking the time to tell me they felt the same. They were so grateful for yoga, so grateful we were open. But now it’s time to close. 

I dearly hope we will open again soon. We will reassess every Monday and will reopen as soon as we possibly can to real in-studio yogis. In the meantime, we will have a live stream schedule of at least two classes per day. I will also post everything I know, everything I’ve researched, and everything I do to stay healthy on Instagram and Facebook. I’ll share twenty plus years of practicing yoga and meditation with you, and do my best to help you integrate them into your life.

I’m planning on starting the live streaming on Wednesday morning at 6:15am with Jessica’s Movement Mix class, but there is a lot to do before then and a lot for me to learn. Please be patient with me as I get this up and running. Until the live stream is indeed live, I will post a class a day for everyone on Facebook and Instagram, which you will be able to watch whenever you like. My son Finn and I are also planning on recording a 15 minute kid’s class at 1pm every week-day beginning on Wednesday.

I will be hyper communicating all of this. I’ll send links for current students to access the live stream classes and will do a check in every Monday to talk about where we are and when we plan on opening up again.

Like most small businesses, the thought of being closed while still having to pay our bills is very scary, it’s a sacrifice for Shine’s teachers as well, who earn their living or supplement it through teaching. But, all of us know that Shine is much more than a business. It is a vehicle for community, connection, authenticity, and compassion. 

My family and I have poured everything we have into Shine and so have Shine’s teachers. 

And you. You have been with us every single step and breath of the way. 

Like everyone else, I have no idea what will happen tomorrow. The next day or the next. But. while we aren’t in our beautiful space together, we are still together. I urge you to practice with us every day. Yoga will keep you well and help you hold the contradictions of life with grace.

We are with you, and hope you will stay with us as we wade through these uncertain waters.

We are also committed to re-opening, a stronger, brighter, more true and authentic community than ever.

May you be happy, May you be healthy, May you live with ease and love.

See you soon,
