Just Announced! Three $1800 scholarships available

Over the holidays, I was talking to a dear friend about how I worry that the cost of the Yoga Teacher Training makes it impossible for some people to do it, even with a payment plan. I've been in that place, and it makes me sad. But, at the same time, it's 250 hours, it takes nearly all my time and energy, and there are a lot of costs associated with it. 

She just contacted me to say that she would pay $1800 of the tuition for three students who need it!

This means that I have three spots at $2000 in total tuition.

 As you can tell from the description of how this came about, it probably won't happen again. So, if you have been wanting to do the training but finances have been holding you back, now is the time. You have until January 8th to apply. 

Here is the applicationhttps://forms.gle/Gy3BFWBYrS5uM9kT8

Here's a document with the full calendar of events ( there are tabs along the bottom) so you know what you are getting into: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/128jLPnk_hc-O62ZZrLWGSpKikhfYH-1w6ijq6Oz3NZw/edit?usp=sharing